
We provide custom wealth management services to you

WE ARE A FIDUCIARY This means we always put your interest FIRST before ours. Not all financial advisors can make this claim.

Infinium Investment Advisors, LLC exists to make your life better. We take on the heavy lifting of managing your investments on a day-to-day basis so you can enjoy living life on your terms. Our clients employ us to ‘watch the store’ while they spend time with family and friends, vacation in far off lands, focus on their careers, or immerse themselves in philanthropic pursuits.

How to Find the Right Financial Advisor

There are many different types of Financial Advisors. Some are brokers while others, like us, are fiduciaries. To learn about which Financial Advisor is right for you click here to download our easy-to-read overview paper:

Download the White Paper

We take the time to get to know you. Our process starts by understanding your vision for living life on your terms, and helping you to refine the picture to become both attainable and fulfilling.

Next, we create a custom plan to help get you from Point A to Point B. A famous man once said, ‘If you aim at nothing you will hit it!’ A well-conceived financial plan will help you stay on track and give you the best chance at success.

Finally, we monitor and adjust your plan and investments to make sure we navigate to your goals smartly. Along the way, make it easy for you to stay informed about how you are tracking and of any changes we recommend.

Infinium Resources

We are here to help

Mark Starosciak, CFP®
Mark Starosciak, CFP®

CEO/Managing Partner
Office: 720.253.1818

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